May 07, 2017  One of the easiest ways to change the icon for an app (or any file on your Mac) is to choose the icon or photo you want to use and copy it to the clipboard, then navigate to the file you want to change. Select the file and press ⌘ + I (to bring up the Info window for that app). When you install the OneDrive sync app for Mac, a copy of your OneDrive is downloaded to your Mac and put in the OneDrive folder. This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder on the OneDrive website, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in your OneDrive folder. Jan 12, 2020  Apple hides the Library folder by setting a file system flag associated with the folder. You can toggle the visibility flag for any folder on your Mac; Apple just chose to set the Library folder's visibility flag to the off state by default. Here's how to change it.

Identifying files by their icon is perhaps more important than being able to locate the programs you use, since for the most part you will likely be browsing your files when using the Finder on your Mac. However, there are some instances where the icons for your files will just appear as generic white documents, leaving you unable to distinguish them and less likely to identify them. This may happen for a number of reasons, including using incompatible third-party cleaner tools for your Mac, or problems with restoring from backups. If you are finding yourself in this situation, then there are several things you can do to restore your icons.

Rebuild OS X’s Launch Services

OS X associates programs and files with the system’s launch services, which gathers a list of the programs on your system and the file types that they can handle, and then links them so when you open a file, the appropriate program is launched to handle it.

As part of this association, OS X will adopt icons within the handling program to use with these files. If this association is broken in the launch services, then the system may not know what files your programs are capable of opening, which in turn may have OS X resort to a generic icon for these files.

To fix this specific problem, you can try resetting the system’s launch services, which can be done by running the following command in the OS X Terminal. Note that the command is buried deep in the system so it is very long; however, you should be able to copy the following multi-line version of it and paste it into the Terminal to run it:

How to change library folder icon mac sierra 2017

In addition to launch services, OS X contains a few system caches that handle application icons so the system does not have to constantly pull them from programs you have installed. These are buried in the system’s temporary folder structures for the system and user accounts, but can be found and removed by running the following command in the Terminal

When done, reboot your Mac into Safe Mode (hold the Shift key at startup) and then restart normally. Note that after removing these caches and rebuilding the launch services, that you may have to open the programs again before the files these programs handle will regain their icons.

The info window’s Open With section contains an option to “Change All” documents of this type to open with the selected program.

Specify the handler for the files

Another quick option that may reset the file’s status in the system’s launch services is to re-associate it with its handling program, which can be done in the information window for any file of its type:

  1. Select the file and press Command-i to get information on it
  2. Expand the Open With section
  3. Choose any program from the drop-down menu other than the current one, even if the current is the desired one.
  4. Click the “Change All” button and confirm this action
  5. Re-select your initial (or desired) program, and again click “Change All.”

Uninstall duplicate applications

Conflicts for handling different files may occur if you have (or have had) multiple versions of the same program on your system. For instance, if a program was at version 1.0 and you installed a separate instance of version 2.0, then files associated with version 1.0 may not open if you remove this program, even though version 2.0 is present. Granted specifying these files to open within version 2.0 should have the system make the proper association; however, an easy way to avoid such conflicts is to remove older software versions unless you absolutely need them.

Sometimes applications may not be in expected places, two of which are the Macintosh HD > Applications folder, and the Users > username > Applications folder (not created by default); however, they can be anywhere else if you have moved them, even on external hard drives.

Reinstall the application for the affected file types


Finally, you might try reinstalling the programs you have for handling these files. If there is damage to your files’ current installations, then the system might not be able to access the icon resources for them. A quick solution to this and similar problems is to re-download the program, or otherwise reinstall it. How to clean imovie library mac.

Library Folder Mac

While many Mac users may never need to access their User Library folder while running macOS Sierra — some advanced users, may need to get in there and access support data and such when troubleshooting. The folder is hidden by default in macOS Sierra, but it only take a few moments to access it, or make it so that the folder is always visible.

Before we begin, we want to say that it’s usually a good idea to leave things in the users ~/Library folder alone, unless directed to by support personnel. The folder contains caches, application support data, and preference files, and if you screw around in there too much, you could really screw things up. We DO NOT recommend it. Now that our butts are covered, here’s how to find and display your User Library folder.

Opening the User Library Folder in macOS Sierra

If you just need to access the user ~/Library folder on occasion, you can get into it by using the Finder “Go” menu.

  1. From the Finder in macOS, (Click anywhere on the Desktop where there isn’t already an app window, and you should see “Finder” appear in the upper left hand corner of your display, up near the Apple icon), click the “Go” menu item, and then hold down the SHIFT key on your Mac’s keyboard.
  2. Click on “Library” in the drop-down list. (If you release the SHIFT key, the “Library” option will disappear from the menu. Now you see it, now you don’t.)

If you’re not much of a mouser, you can just hit the key combo of Command + Shift + L, and a Finder window will appear showing the ~/Library directory of the active user account.

How To Change Library Folder Icon Mac Sierra 2017

Always Show the User Library Folder in macOS Sierra

How To Change Library Folder Icon Mac Sierra Drive

If you are an advanced user, you might want to always display the user ~/Library folder in your user Home directory. It just takes a few clicks to enable this option.

  1. In Finder, go to the Users’ home folder
  2. Click the “View” menu and then click “View Options”
  3. Click the “Show Library Folder” option in the Settings options for the User home folder, as shown below.

How To Change Library Folder Icon Mac Sierra Version

Following the above steps will change the settings for only the current user. Any other users will also have to follow the above steps while logged into the machine.

How To Change Library Folder Icon Mac Sierra Mac

These steps also work with Mac OS X El Capitan and Yosemite. In earlier versions of OS X, a command line entry was required to perform the same magic.

2020-4-6  Access Library Folder On Mac. The Library Folder on your Mac contains Preference Files, Caches, and Application Support Data. While regular Mac users may not find the need to access the Hidden Library Folder, advanced Mac users will at times come across the need to access files inside the Library Folder for troubleshooting and other purposes. You can access the hidden Library folder without using Terminal, which has the side effect of revealing every hidden file on your Mac. This method will only make the Library folder visible, and only for as long as you keep the Finder window for the Library folder open. 2020-4-5  Just copy and move your current User Library/Messages folder to the new Mac! There are lots of ways to move the file, including AirDrop, File Sharing, a handy thumb drive, even DropBox or Google Drive. Move Your Message History Folder to a New Mac. On the old Mac, open up the /Library/Messages folder. 2020-4-4  message archives. Pastor Ron Smith was the Lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel McMinnville for 34 years before retiring in August of 2018. Here is a collection of over 200 messages he. Library messages mac.

How To Change Library Folder Icon Mac Sierra Free

(Thanks to OS X Daily)