- Mac /system/library/frameworks/python.framework
- Mac /system/library/frameworks/javavm.framework/versions/current/commands
- System/library/frameworks Mac Download
- Private Frameworks Mac
- This article illustrates how to update the Java Development Kit (JDK) version on Windows and Mac. Xamarin.Android uses the Java Development Kit (JDK) to integrate with the Android SDK for building Android apps and running the Android designer. The latest versions of the Android SDK (API 24 and higher) require JDK 8 (1.8).
- Sep 17, 2013.Required information. To submit a product bug or enhancement request, please visit the Bug Reporter page. Please read Apple's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy before you send us your feedback.
- Jan 12, 2020 With either the desktop or a Finder window as the frontmost application, hold down the option key and select the Go menu. The Library folder will be listed as one of the items in the Go menu. Select Library and a Finder window will open showing the contents of the Library folder.
- A framework is a dynamic library and resources for that library, such as images and localization strings. Frameworks have the file extension.framework. In iOS there are two kinds of frameworks: public frameworks and private frameworks. Public frameworks are allowed to be used in App Store apps.
Oct 12, 2018 This has been going on at least since Xcode 8 when apple replaced links to dylib with the text tbd files. On travis, build image: xcode 9.2, osx 10.12, compiler: clang; when building any code that uses a framework and you are not using Xcode but from the command line witih makefile or ninja or whatever, there are always these. Jan 09, 2012 The lsregister command is used to query and manage the Launch Services database, or the database that is used to determine the default application used to open files of various types. Lsregister is part of Core Services, and stored in /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support.
Click here to return to the 'How to rebuild the LaunchServices database' hint |
I can't see it, but a '?' pops into the command when I paste it into Terminal. If anyone else has the same problem, you could try pasting into a text editor, deleting the backslashes and excess spaces, and then copying and pasting the result into Terminal. It worked for me!
Apart from that, I'm really grateful for this hint - I'm the kind who gets really irritated by three copies of GraphicConverter in the Open With list!
Many thanks - Nick
When I type 'lsregister' in Terminal (bash or tcsh shell), I get 'command not found' in 10.3.2. Anyone else?
Would that not be because the directory where it is to be found is not in your search path? That must be why the hint includes the complete path to it.
Jan 12, 2020 Apple hides the Library folder by setting a file system flag associated with the folder. You can toggle the visibility flag for any folder on your Mac; Apple just chose to set the Library folder's visibility flag to the off state by default. Here's how to change it. May 30, 2019 Despite the fact that Apple keeps the Mac Library folder hidden from users, it’s good to learn how to show the Library folder on Mac. You may need to access the Library folder when you need to clear cache, remove the app’s leftovers, edit preference files manually, etc. What can i delete from library mac. To actually delete the library, you can do one of three things: Click on the iPhoto Library listing, and without letting go of your mouse or trackpad button, drag it until it’s over top the Trash icon on your dock. Once you’re on top of the Trash, let go. You can select (click on) the iPhoto Library. Jan 26, 2018 The Photos.app in Applicationsis part of the system and cannot be deleted, only the Photos Library in Pictures. If you created the Photos Library from and iPhoto Library, your Photos Library and the iPhoto Library are sharing the photos by hard links. You will have to delete both of them to free storage. Yes I emptied the trash can. From what is in /System/Library/User Template/Library, here is what /Library contains when you create a brand new user. Almost all entries are empty directories. Therefore, you can safely delete everything in /Library. Of course you'll lose all preferences you may have set, etc.
When I used the lsregister command as given in the hint, with the full path, it did not work. I had to do 'locate lsregister' to find the complete path for my system, which included two 'Versions/A' folders in the folder tree.
Whatever the path is for your system, 'locate' should find it for you.
Microsoft MVP for Entourage
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If you use this hint and have applications located someplace other than /Applications you need to append the path to the end of the command. The first time I ran it without any paths and my LaunchServices database included only applications on the boot volume.
Mike Newman
Saipan and Narita Layover Pages:
I had a strange problem in Tiger that when I clicked on a folder in the dock or dragthing it would launch iPhoto or Entourage. Running this command fixed everything.
-Mr. Unknown-
I tried a couple of hints here. This is the one that finally worked for me. I added -f, and I also appended the path to my personal applications folder (within the applications folder) at the end:
/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -f -domain local -domain system -domain user '/Applications/MyApps'
I tried this hint and it worked by removing duplicate items in my Open With contextual menu. But now, it seems the icons on certain file types are wrong even though double clicking on them opens them up in the correct application.
Has anyone seen this too and/or know how to fix it? ;-)
My mp3 files had strange icons.
A reboot fixed me right up.
When I have strange icons, at times, quiting Finder usually takes care of that..
Mac /system/library/frameworks/python.framework
I'm still running 10.2.8, plan to install Panther this next week. Neither the path nor the command (-kill) worked for me as is. I found the app at ..LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister. Upon invoking the hint's command line using my path, I got the 'usage' spiel: different from that listed by the hint's author, mine does not include -kill, -lint, -f or -dump.
When I tried the command with my path and leaving out the -kill switch, it seemed to work. As I've not been having any trouble with 'Open with' and allies, I saw no result. A little anti-climactic, but filed away for future reference. Thanks very much!
btw, who (or what) is CF that we should ask about the domains' applications locations?
CF must refer to CoreFoundation.
Thank you for this tip! Ever since I upgraded to Panther I get a lot of double entries in the Open with.. context menu, seems to be gone now.
I tried this hint and it appears to have cleaned up my 'Open with' context menu. But a strange thing happened afterward that may or may not have been related. I have an external FireWire drive mounted. As some of you know, this shows up on your desktop even when your Finder preferences are set to not display dirves in 10.3. You can remove it from the desktop by also not displaying CDs, DVDs and iPods, which I chose not to do- I lived with it on my desktop even though I don't want it there.
But immediately after using this hint, my drive disappeared from my desktop. It's still visible in the left-hand portion of my Finder windows and I can access it from there (which I much prefer). But no matter what Finder preferences I set, it never shows up on my desktop. I've rebooted twice and it still won't show up.
Not a bad thing in my case, but a little alarming nontheless. Has anyone else experienced this behavior after using this hint?
If you tried this with the most recent security update installed
You'll be asked many times when you try to open some documents the first time. Type 'lsregister -dump less' will show you that all entries for third-party applications now have the form like this:
B00001546 APPL/CHIM Tue Jun 8 15:16:55 2004 Camino.app
-pad----hn---sr-----! v0.8.0 Camino
Contents/Resources/appicon.icns org.mozilla.navigator
Contents/MacOS/Camino 6263372, 6263906, Mach-O
V00000008 /Applications/Internet/Camino.app
Note the ending '!' - that means it's never been run before.
I wonder if there's a way to reset all of these '!' using some tool.
I'm running 10.3.5, which includes those security updates, and this hint worked great for me.
I used the System Migration tool on a new Powerbook to pull the account information from an old one, and the only (knock wood) problem was that the Open With.. menu was bloated with double entries for everything. This hint solved the problem quickly and easily.
In case anyone runs into the error message application [application name] cannot be launched because it may be damagaed or incomplete, rebuilding the LaunchServices database using the command from this hint may fix it.
I had no luck until I added the -f (force-update registration info even if mod date is unchanged) switch to the command line like so..
-kill -r -f -domain local -domain system -domain user
Fixed me right up!
I have tried every iteration of the command listed here, but I still have 4 instances of Adobe Acrobat 6.0.3 listed in my 'Open With' menu.
When I add -v to the command, it shows me a long list of errors:
'error 10811 registering <filename> '
Any ideas why?
Alright! That one did the trick!
This worked for me:
/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -f -domain local -domain system -domain user '/Applications'
Just wish there was a way to manually edit the applications in the list as there are many listed that I never use!
I can confirm this worked for me on 10.4.9.
I had applications that were opening Script Editor instead of the desired application. (i.e. double-clicking InDesign 2.0.1 would open Script Editor instead of InDesign)
Applying the command in this hint seems to have resolved that issue.
I can confirm this works with 10.4.6, but by using 'locate lsregister' first.
I see from the comments that many here are not familiar with Unix. Here's the way to run any command that is in your currrent directory.
[your_prompt]: ./CommandName
The trick is that many shells (tcsh, bash, etc) don't include the current working directory in their .cdpath list. '.' is shorthand for 'where I am right now,' so './command' will always work
I'm confused by your comment. AFAICT, it implies that you don't need the path to lsregister. However, when I run this, it doesn't do what I inferred.
localhost:~ baltwo$ ./lsregister
-bash: ./lsregister: No such file or directory
Please clarify.
This is still a very useful hint - I just used it today. Thanks!
Wish Apple had a GUI or a cron that took care of this for us though..
and here's how to use this hint in Leopard, which has moved the location of the file.
Open a Terminal window and type in
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
This worked for me, but YMMV, so use at your own risk.
worked for me too on 10.5.1
~/.sig: not found
I couldn't get this command to run successfully from the command line even using sudo.
Happily enough TinkerTool System from Marcel Bresink includes a rebuild Launch Services feature User - > Launch Services which took care of the problem in 20 seconds. Finally I can right click jpegs again!
Thanks for the tip anyway.
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Mac /system/library/frameworks/javavm.framework/versions/current/commands
Here's an AppleScript that can be saved as a script and launched from the Script menu, or saved as an application and launched from anywhere.
Locates the lsregister command regardless of OS version, then tells it to rebuild the Launch Services Database for all applications in the canonical Applications folder
Paul Henegan
set theCommand to (do shell script 'locate lsregister')
set theArguments to ' -kill -r -f -domain local -domain system -domain user'
set thePath to ' /Applications'--edit this as needed
set theScript to theCommand & theArguments & thePath
do shell script theScript
But for those of you that get nervous at the mention of Terminal.app, there is a graphical alternative for this hint.
The popular utility Cocktail can rebuild the Launch Services database with a simple GUI click.
Happy DB rebuilding.
just in fairness, there are a number of 'service utility' apps that do this - Yasu and Onyx are two the spring to mind. or you can do what I did - write the code into an applescript and save it in the script menu. that way you only have to deal with the terminal command once.
10.6.4 here and I used Onxy maintenance > rebuild > launchservices. Fixed the problem. Onxy is a free program.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
Bob Savage <bobsavage@mac.com>
Python on a Macintosh running Mac OS X is in principle very similar to Python onany other Unix platform, but there are a number of additional features such asthe IDE and the Package Manager that are worth pointing out.
4.1. Getting and Installing MacPython¶
Mac OS X 10.8 comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed by Apple. If you wish, youare invited to install the most recent version of Python 3 from the Pythonwebsite (https://www.python.org). A current “universal binary” build of Python,which runs natively on the Mac’s new Intel and legacy PPC CPU’s, is availablethere.
What you get after installing is a number of things:
folder in yourApplications
folder. In hereyou find IDLE, the development environment that is a standard part of officialPython distributions; PythonLauncher, which handles double-clicking Pythonscripts from the Finder; and the “Build Applet” tool, which allows you topackage Python scripts as standalone applications on your system.A framework
, which includes thePython executable and libraries. The installer adds this location to your shellpath. To uninstall MacPython, you can simply remove these three things. Asymlink to the Python executable is placed in /usr/local/bin/.
The Apple-provided build of Python is installed in/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
and /usr/bin/python
,respectively. You should never modify or delete these, as they areApple-controlled and are used by Apple- or third-party software. Remember thatif you choose to install a newer Python version from python.org, you will havetwo different but functional Python installations on your computer, so it willbe important that your paths and usages are consistent with what you want to do.
IDLE includes a help menu that allows you to access Python documentation. If youare completely new to Python you should start reading the tutorial introductionin that document.
If you are familiar with Python on other Unix platforms you should read thesection on running Python scripts from the Unix shell.
4.1.1. How to run a Python script¶
Your best way to get started with Python on Mac OS X is through the IDLEintegrated development environment, see section The IDE and use the Help menuwhen the IDE is running.
If you want to run Python scripts from the Terminal window command line or fromthe Finder you first need an editor to create your script. Mac OS X comes with anumber of standard Unix command line editors, vim andemacs among them. If you want a more Mac-like editor,BBEdit or TextWrangler from Bare Bones Software (seehttp://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/index.html) are good choices, as isTextMate (see https://macromates.com/). Other editors includeGvim (http://macvim-dev.github.io/macvim/) and Aquamacs(http://aquamacs.org/).
To run your script from the Terminal window you must make sure that/usr/local/bin
is in your shell search path.
To run your script from the Finder you have two options:
Drag it to PythonLauncher
Select PythonLauncher as the default application to open yourscript (or any .py script) through the finder Info window and double-click it.PythonLauncher has various preferences to control how your script islaunched. Option-dragging allows you to change these for one invocation, or useits Preferences menu to change things globally.
4.1.2. Running scripts with a GUI¶
With older versions of Python, there is one Mac OS X quirk that you need to beaware of: programs that talk to the Aqua window manager (in other words,anything that has a GUI) need to be run in a special way. Use pythonwinstead of python to start such scripts.
With Python 3.8, you can use either python or pythonw.
4.1.3. Configuration¶
Python on OS X honors all standard Unix environment variables such asPYTHONPATH
, but setting these variables for programs started from theFinder is non-standard as the Finder does not read your .profile
at startup. You need to create a file~/.MacOSX/environment.plist
. See Apple’s Technical Document QA1067 fordetails.
For more information on installation Python packages in MacPython, see sectionInstalling Additional Python Packages.
4.2. The IDE¶
MacPython ships with the standard IDLE development environment. A goodintroduction to using IDLE can be found athttp://www.hashcollision.org/hkn/python/idle_intro/index.html.
4.3. Installing Additional Python Packages¶
There are several methods to install additional Python packages:
System/library/frameworks Mac Download
Packages can be installed via the standard Python distutils mode (
).Many packages can also be installed via the setuptools extensionor pip wrapper, see https://pip.pypa.io/.

4.4. GUI Programming on the Mac¶
There are several options for building GUI applications on the Mac with Python.
PyObjC is a Python binding to Apple’s Objective-C/Cocoa framework, which isthe foundation of most modern Mac development. How to enable icloud music library on mac. Information on PyObjC isavailable from https://pypi.org/project/pyobjc/.
Private Frameworks Mac
The standard Python GUI toolkit is tkinter
, based on the cross-platformTk toolkit (https://www.tcl.tk). An Aqua-native version of Tk is bundled with OSX by Apple, and the latest version can be downloaded and installed fromhttps://www.activestate.com; it can also be built from source.
wxPython is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively onMac OS X. Packages and documentation are available from https://www.wxpython.org.
PyQt is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively on MacOS X. More information can be found athttps://riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/intro.
4.5. Distributing Python Applications on the Mac¶
The “Build Applet” tool that is placed in the MacPython 3.6 folder is fine forpackaging small Python scripts on your own machine to run as a standard Macapplication. This tool, however, is not robust enough to distribute Pythonapplications to other users.
The standard tool for deploying standalone Python applications on the Mac ispy2app. More information on installing and using py2app can be foundat http://undefined.org/python/#py2app.
4.6. Other Resources¶
The MacPython mailing list is an excellent support resource for Python users anddevelopers on the Mac:
Another useful resource is the MacPython wiki: