A few months ago when OS X Yosemite was first shown to the public, Apple demonstrated its new Photos app. This app is meant to simplify photo management for all Mac users by emulating the looks and functions provided by the Photos app on both the iPhone and the iPad. This simplification comes at a cost though: when it finally releases its Photos app, it will replace iPhoto, its legendary photo management app that has been on every Mac by default for years.

This move will definitely be hard on a lot of users, especially those who, like me, got used to working with iPhoto for so many years.

Even worse: for most of us, our photo albums hold a huge number of dear memories, and as with every update, there is always the possibility of something going wrong when the time comes to migrate to the new Photos app.

Here's how to clean up your photo library when the duplicates are gone: Open Inboard app. Drag a photo into the Inboard window, and the app will save the image in your library. Clean Up Your Photo Collection with Free Tools. You may also. Give us your Extreme Photo Library Makeover story in the comments. That way you can be more confident in your moves to clean. Vincent Danen explains how to clean up your iPhoto library to make it faster. Depending on the size of your photo library, speeds can be improved moderately or significantly with a just a few tweaks. Oct 29, 2018  Save on 2020 Mac mini, MacBook Pro, Sims 4 and more Deals & Steals. Use iOS 12’s smart albums to clean up your photo library. By Charlie Sorrel. 1:00 pm, October 29, 2018. Jan 29, 2015  Back Up Your iPhoto Library: The Less-Easy Way If you want more control over what to back up from your library, there’s a way to do it that requires some digging around but that is perfect for.

With that considered, here are a couple of short guides on how to back up your iPhoto library both the simple way and the not-so-simple way.

Back Up Your iPhoto Library: The Easy Way

First, the good news (or bad depending on how you see it). In a very Apple way, in order to keep things simple and integrated on OS X, Apple consolidates your photos into a single, giant file that represents your photo library. But this file is not composed of just your photos, it also holds very important meta-data, like your events, photo stream shots and such.

To find your iPhoto library, open any Finder window and click on the Pictures folder. There you should find it.

Itunes library itl mac os x. If you’ve completed the above steps, then open your PC and create your own music library. You will see two files named “iTunes Library.itl and iTunes Music Library.xml,” delete both files from your Windows PC.Step 4. Open Windows Explorer, then click “Music iTunes” folder.Step 3. Shut down your iTunes on your Windows PC.Step 2.

To back it up manually and without complications, all you have to do is copy the entire file to any destination you want. It can be a USB flash drive or a portable backup disk if you want and that’s it.

Cool Tip: If you want to transfer your iPhoto Library to another Mac just plug your drive to it and copy your iPhoto library backup to the target Mac’s Pictures folder. Be warned though, this will replace your existing iPhoto library. So this tip is mostly targeted at new Mac owners or for those who perform a clean install of OS X.

Back Up Your iPhoto Library: The Less-Easy Way

If you want more control over what to back up from your library, there’s a way to do it that requires some digging around but that is perfect for that purpose.

For this, you have to head to the same iPhoto Library file within your Pictures folder, except this time instead of copying it, right-click on it and then select the Show Package Contents option.

Then, head to the Masters folders. There you will see several folders categorizing the different years your photos belong to.

When you open each of them, you will find folders for the different events, albums and dates that contain the photos as you organized them in iPhoto. There you will be able to select exactly what you want to back up and the way that you want to back it up.

And there you have it. Now you will always be in control of your photo library and most importantly, you will have peace of mind in case things don’t go that well with the new Photos app. Enjoy!

Also See#backup #iphoto

Did You Know

It's estimated that people share more than 700 billion photos per year on Facebook.

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Your Photos app has tons of cache files hidden in its library. With CleanMyMac X’s Photo Junk, you clean them all up without losing a single photo — in just two clicks.
Photo Junk cleans up all the useless files left over by Photos. It’s 100% safe to use because it doesn’t remove any actual photos. The module scans your Photos library to locate useless cache files and heavy RAWs that take up space.

Is there really that much cache in Photos?

Photos creates cache files almost every time you work with it. Here’s an example. If you have iCloud Photo Library enabled, all your pics are stored in the cloud. But when you view these pics on your Mac, Photos creates locally cached copies of them. So, even if you keep all photos in iCloud, their local copies are still wasting space on your Mac.

More cache files pile up when Photos detects faces on your pics — that is, every time you add photos of people. If you import new pics often, you’ve probably got a lot to clean up.

RAW files take up gigabytes.

When you import RAW files into Photos, the app creates JPEG copies of them. These JPEGs are what you see in Photos — and heavy RAWs just sit on your Mac, forgotten. If you no longer need the RAW originals, CleanMyMac will remove them to save you gigabytes of space.* But don’t worry: it will always ask you first.

This feature is not yet available on macOS High Sierra.

What if I’m still using iPhoto?

Just like the Photos app, iPhoto has tons of junk hidden in its library. It’s a whole different kind of junk, and CleanMyMac cleans it up, too. Photo Junk searches your iPhoto library to locate useless and hidden copies of your pics, kept by iPhoto after you rotate, crop, or otherwise edit them.

What else can CleanMyMac X do?

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Industry experts talk about CleanMyMac X

With macOS Mojave’s release just around the corner, MacPaw’s CleanMyMac X launches today as the best whole-system cleaner around — a Swiss Army knife of simple tools that radically slim a Mac’s software footprint, improve performance, and augment Apple’s existing malware protection.
If you’ve found yourself struggling with a nearly full Mac, check out CleanMyMac X. The app has been an excellent way to recover space with minimal effort for many years
From insane speed improvements to malware removal, a new menu design, and more, this release is packed with new features that you are going to want to check out
Are you maintaining a healthy Mac? It doesn’t have to be hard. CleanMyMac X offers all the tools you need to ensure your machine is always speedy and safe.
CleanMyMac X helps you remove unneeded files and get an overview of what is slowing down your computer.
I’ve been using CleanMyMac for many years and continue to be amazed by each update. No doubt, this year’s version is the best to date, and it comes highly recommended.

CleanMyMac X

Make your Mac as good as new

Get CleanMyMac X to do helpful things on your Mac. It deals with storage, speed, and malware issues. It even turns junk into free space. Run it once, never part with it.

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*4.9 - rating for all versions, based on 539 user reviews.

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